Alien Races

of Gaia Force


Se`lah, Grey alien, Gaia Force, gaiaforce, Lawrenz Lano, Grey Legacy                          UEF Armstrong from Grey Legacy, Lawrenz Lano   

A.K.A.: The People, Greys, Zeta Reticulons

Type: Extra-terrestrial

Place of origin: Zeta Reticuli
Abilities: Advanced technology and weapons. Can read weak minds, mould and control them. They are highly intelligent.
Weaknesses: Physically weaker than humans and prone to the same types of injuries.

Known E'lah: Se'lah (although he is now classified as Chaeh'lah), Te'mel, Mek'teh

First appearance: Novel Grey Legacy


Gatari soldier       Tokanar     TokorTokor      nest ship

A.K.A.: Rigelians

Type: Extra-terrestrial

Place of origin:
 Their original home world is unknown but for the past century they have colonized most planets of the Rigelian system.
Abilities: Gatari are stronger than humans, more numerous and relentless. Their technology is borrowed from conquered races and superior but less varied. They travel in swarms aboard diamond shaped mother ships
They do not use long-range weapons as they find them cowardly.

The Gatari have been seen flying through space but all indications point to them wearing some apparatus incorporated into their armour, as to how they can withstand the vacuum of space, it has not been revealed.

Weaknesses: Their ventral flaps can be breached due to their softness. Their exoskeleton is highly resistant but can be pierced with armour piercing rounds.

Particular characteristics: Their size varies but the six legged variety can reach up to four meters (12 feet). This, however, does not include their protrusions which can add considerable height and girth.

Known Gatari: Half Crest, Gornak

First appearance: Novel Grey Legacy



Type: Extra-terrestrial

Place of origin: Undisclosed but presumably in the Neosian sector
Abilities: Advanced technology and weapons. Highly intelligent as they have the ability to enslave whole worlds.
Particular characteristics: Smaller but physically stronger than Humans and prone to the same types of injuries. Unlike Humans who use their fists for fighting, the BahNu primarily use their tail. They also possess pectoral tusks which are commonly used in mating battles.

Note: Although the BahNu are primarily enemies of the Neosians, as enemies of the Children of the Guardian , Gaia Force must also consider them foes.

First visual appearance: The Return of Gaia Force #2



Type: Extra-terrestrial

Place of Origin: Undisclosed although popular myths state that they come from a world called Nibiru, a rogue planet of the Solar system.
Abilities: They can transmute matter to energy as well as their bodies. In this form, they can stay long periods in the total vacuum of space. They can stay hidden from sight but whether they actually become invisible or simply send out their essence, no one knows. They have developed advanced technology and weapons but have given them up. They have developed mental capabilities with which they can probe minds.

Particular Physical Characteristics: Their average size is four meters (12 ft)

Known Anunnaki: Anakos

First appearance: Novel Grey Legacy


                        Malekia City

Type: Extra-terrestrial

Place of origin: Planet Malekia
Abilities: Aside from the members of the Guard's Sword, Malekians have no particular abilities. 

Particular Physical Characteristics: They have an external vertebra behind their neck and flagella-like appendages that hang like hair. Only Q'Aestor can control his.

Known Malekians: Q'Aestor, Shyda, Benora, Majur, Tandel, Wavon

First appearance: The Return of Gaia Force #1



Type: Extra-terrestrial

Place of origin: Neosa in the Ayama system
Abilities: Aside from the Children of the Guardian, Neosians have no particular abilities although gliding is a normal form of transportation on their world. They are a peace loving people who have embraced art. 

Particular Physical Characteristics: They have triangular-shaped skulls and bat-like membranes under their arms. Their average size is three+meters (10+ ft).
Note: In the novel their size is around 18 ft but had to be reduced for the comic book.

Known Neosian: Rubikhon, Geomass, Farut, Collapsar, Rayband and Flare

First appearance: The Return of Gaia Force #1


© 2013 Gaia Force by Lawrenz Lano


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