Real Name: Daniel Richardson/Cardigan (Warbot II) Hair: Black/Black Eyes: Blue/Brown Height: 6 foot 1 inches/6 foot Age: 29/35 Ethical alliance: Good Type of being: Human/Human hybrid History: The man who would become Warbot was an ex-marine who had fallen on hard times after the Gulf War. Traumatized by the horrors he had witnessed he turned away from society and lived as a homeless with his best friend, Bryce. When Avatar Prime chose him to lead Prime Force, Daniel would not agree unless Avatar Prime made the same offer to Bryce. Impressed with Daniel's boldness, Avatar Prime agreed. Unknown to Daniel, the good luck charm he had been carrying all these years turned out to be a piece of an alien ship. The piece, made from nano/nanite technology was essentially dead, but Avatar Prime revived it and transformed it into an armored suit. Daniel's good luck charm would continue to protect him. It was never revealed how and when Daniel died or whether anyone else donned the mantle of Warbot after his death, but some 380 years later, we learn that the Warbot armor was placed in the Hall of Heroes at the Citadel, home of Gaia Force. When Arkahnus agreed to help reunite Gaia Force, he gave the Warbot armor to Cardigan, a friend of Roguestar, and he became a member of the New Gaia Force . Powers Power armor: Wears an armor made from advanced nano/nanite technology. Super strength: 75 tons of lift. Repair factor: Being made from nano/nanite composite, Warbot's suit repairs itself if it is damaged. Physical and energy resistance: The suit is resistant to physical and energy attacks. Energy blast: The suit's power sources enables Warbot to have unlimited supply of energy pulses. Flight: Warbot can reach flight speeds of 100 000 km/hr, (62000 mph) enabling him to attain escape velocity from planets as massive as Neptune. Nationality: American/Citizen of Earth Colonies Back to characters © 2013 Gaia Force by Lawrenz Lano |